TNT Weekly Update 6/16/14 – Two Fundraisers Included!

Hey Team,

We are so excited to have officially kicked off the season this past weekend! There was a wonderful turnout of runners, walkers, Imagecyclists and triathletes – alongside their dedicated coaches. While we may choose to participate differently, we are all a part of the Central Ohio Chapter TEAM that is working towards finding cures for blood cancer.



This season we will be honoring a young man named Drew George, who is a sophomore at Worthington Kilbourne High School. During the Kickoff on Saturday, we were able to meet and hear Drew’s mother Julie share his personal battle with Leukemia. Towards the end – she mentioned that there is a run this coming Saturday, June 21st, 2014 in Drew’s honor. If you’re interested in participating in the event instead of attending training, you will need to go to and register! 

This event includes a 4+ Mile point-to-point run and walk that begins at Drew and his sister Tori’s Worthington Kilbourne High School, and ends at Stephen Gussler’s Thomas Worthington High School; as well as a 1 Mile Family Fun Run for all ages at Thomas Worthington High School. 

Look for TNT staff at the finish line area – as we will be representing the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on event day. GO TEAM!


It’s because of people like you that we can say, LLS is making Someday, Today!

On behalf of patients and their families – we thank you for your dedication to the LLS mission. We look forward to supporting you both in fundraising and training throughout the next 4-5 months. If you ever have a question, please reach out to your TNT staff person Alysia Smith at (e) or (p) 614.498.0409.


Fundraising Opportunities: 

We just received a phone call from the Glo-Run requesting 2 volunteers to assist on the packet pick-up on Thursday, June 19th from 10:00-7:30PM. They will be donating $108 to each volunteer that’s able to help out for the entire shift.

Sign up here: 

ImageIt’s that time again – Red, White and BOOM! We are in need of 10 volunteers to pour beer, wine and serve wine coolers at the VIP section at Red, White and BOOM!!  This event is fast paced and ALL of donations are raised through tips.  Last year $2,159 was raised. Money will be divided evenly amongst the 10 volunteers.  Volunteers HAVE to be able to arrive by 3:45p to help set up.  Plan on working until about 10 when the fireworks go off OR when the beer runs out, which ever is first. Volunteers are allowed to stay and watch the fireworks if they so choose.

Beware that because of this event, parking prices are higher then normal.  Last year to park in a nearby garage was $20.

*Teammates ONLY! No friends or family members may volunteer at this event.*

Sign up here: 

Access Code: TNTFall2014

Interested in setting your own fundraising up? Reach out to TNT Staff person Alysia Smith to brainstorm how/what/when/where to host your event!

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